International joint supervision: ENGSYS procedure

Joint thesis supervision allows PhD students to pursue their doctoral studies while simultaneously attached to both a French and a foreign institution (though registration fees are paid at only one university). These PhD students are thus supervised by two Thesis Supervisors: one in France and one in a foreign country. A joint supervision agreement is signed by both institutions, stipulating the amount of time to be spent in each country, any special conditions for the thesis defence, etc. The two co-Directors jointly supervise their PhD student, who must work alternately at both institutions (carrying out his/her research partly in France, partly abroad). 

A single thesis defence is held in one of the two countries and in one of the two national languages, for the awarding of two separate diplomas: 

  • A doctorate from your French institution of registration.
  • A doctorate or equivalent degree from the partner university. 

For co-agreement (cotutelle) with foreign institution, please follow ADUM process

Steps to be followed by supervisor of cotutelle

Step 1: Contact international Relationships office  (RI) of your institution

Step 2 : RI office gives the template to fullfill.

Step 3 : Read vade-mecum to fullfill the cotutelle convention.

RI office only exchanges with foreign institution.

Step 4 : Submission by PhD student of academic pieces, funding attestation and CV of foreign co-supervisor by ADUM .

Step 5 :  Convention of cotutelle is written and validated by doctoral schools and institutions. 

Step 6 : When convention is finalized , registration at doctoral school and at institutions by following the registration steps

Step 7 : Convention signatures are managed only by RI office.