Individual Monitoring Committee (CSI) for GS ENGSYS-632 PhD students

In accordance with its mission of training doctoral students and preparing them for their professional insertion, the Graduate School of Engineering and Systems Sciences (EG ENGSYS-632) has set up the Individual Thesis Monitoring Committee (CSI).

The Individual Thesis Monitoring Committee provides support for the doctoral student throughout the duration of the doctorate. It meets before the registration in the second year and then before each new registration until the end of the PhD.

The interviews are organized in three distinct stages: (i) presentation of the work progress and discussions, (ii) interview with the doctoral student without the thesis director, (iii) interview with the thesis director without the doctoral student.


During this interview, the committee must be particularly vigilant in identifying any form of conflict, discrimination or harassment.

At the end of the interviews, a report from the committee is written under the authority of the president of the ISC, is presented to the doctoral student and the thesis director, and is then transmitted to the EG.

A favorable opinion from the committee is essential for re-registration in the next year.

Composition of the CSI committee:

At a minimum the CSI consists of:

  • - One non-specialist member from outside the field of research,
  • - A member specialized in the discipline or related to the field of the thesis
  • - One HDR member of the office of the concerned field who chairs the CSI.

As far as possible, this individual doctoral student monitoring committee includes a member from outside the institution

Calendar - Schedule for CSI D1 - D2

  • CSI constitution of committee before july 1st
  • CSI manuscript has to be sent 15 days before the meeting.
  • CSI meeting before September 15th, .


Calendar for CSI D3

Concerns only doctoral students considering a derogatory registration in the 4th year

  • Registration to the CSI before september 15th
  • CSI meeting before october 15th


A favorable opinion from the CSI is required before re-registration in the next year.

For any information, please contact the director of doctoral studies (DED) of your field:

CSI - Progress report expectations - Sample Evaluation Form

CSI progress report manuscript (1st year)

The PhD student should provided a manuscript, two weeks before the meeting to all members of the CSI. It will include at least:

  • A brief description of the thesis subject and its goals (min 1/2 page).
  • Main references - state of the art (min 1 page).
  • Progress work in accordance with goals and key results (min 3 pages). A statement of policy regarding results dissemination in terms of publications, patents, software production, conferences, ...;
  • A roadmap for the next two years with the expected contributions and a schedule, (min 2 pages).
  • Doctoral training modules achieved.
  • Professional project

The minimum length of the CSI manuscript is 7 pages.


Here is the template of report D1.

CSI progress reportexpectations for D2

  • Progress made since D1.
  •      State of progress with regard to these objectives and main results obtained (3 pages). Elements concerning the dissemination of results (publications, patents, communications, etc.), already achieved or to come, are expected.

  • The objectives for the end of the thesis (2 pages), writing plan and expected date of defense
  • Doctoral training modules followed.
  • Professional project.

The whole report will have a maximum length of seven pages.

New (2024): Attach your portfolio and skills self-assessment to your report (see your ADUM account – Career section)


Here is the template of the 2nd year presentation.

CSI progress report expectations (D3)

The aims of the CSI presentation for the PhD student is to answer to the following questions:

  • Why a D4 registration is requested?
  • What is the current state of the work? - Llist of publications and communications submitted or accepted
  • Precise schedule of the end of thesis (thesis manuscript, defence date)
  • What about training credits (CFD)?
  • Proof of funding (extension of work contract) until thesis defence.
  • More Important: The PhD student must also provide a copy of the thesis manuscript as it is.

Here is:

  • the template of the 4th year presentation.
  • The template of the final report D3
  • New (2024): Attach  your portfolio and skills self-assessment to your report (see your ADUM account – Career section)