Prevent - Inform

Prevention - Information

The House of Mediation is open to students and staff of the University. It is committed to working in complete neutrality, impatience and confidentiality.

Mission :

  • Provide information and access to the law
  • Put people in touch with each other
  • Prevent abusive behaviour
  • Pacify relationships and prevent conflicts
  • Raise awareness within the university community

You would like to find a solution or an answer to :

  • A legal question or administrative information
  • An unresolved problem, find out which department to contact
  • An awareness-raising campaign on the subject of sexist and gender-based violence, harassment or discrimination
  • A communication problem or tension at the University
  • Harassment or discrimination (victim or witness)

Contact us at

  • Mediation centre: - Tel: 03 62 26 91 16
  • Cellule d'écoute, de soutien et d'accompagnement contre le harcèlement moral (CESAHM):
  • Sexual harassment listening, monitoring and information unit (CEVIHS):
  • Ombudsman and Discrimination Officer:

External resources

3919: Free, anonymous helpline (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). This number NEVER appears on telephone records.

114: SMS emergency number for people who have difficulty speaking or hearing European Association against Violence against Women at Work

: Collective against sexual harassment in higher education (CLASCHES)

: Association étudiantes personnels de l'Université Paris-Est Créteil (‘safeprof’ prevention tool for students and teachers)